Sunday, November 20, 2016

Orbitting Izzy - Reflection

This is the story of Nancy Whiteley who had recently got out of prison and was determined to start fresh. She was incarcerated because of credit card fraud. She and her husband used to live a luxurious life, traveling and eating fancy at other people's expense. Eventually, she began working at the accounting firm of Isadore Weintraub (Izzy). 

Adapting to a new life was hard for Nancy. She had a 9-5 work and was paid the minimum. Her job required little effort, since she did all of her work in 1 hour. This new lifestyle bored her a lot, but she eventually developed a friendship with Izzy. He was a rich, married, and uptight man. She, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of him. Her husband, Aldo, taught her how to be reckless and "have fun". Yet, the both complemented each other. They did things they had never done before, "teenage fun". She literally was orbiting Izzy because she was trying to figure him out. Also, he was the only one who kept her company and hanged out with her. 

Some differences between them 

There was a problem, Aldo was always present in her mind. Even though he wasn't there, he influenced her. She tried to forget him, move on but she couldn't. With Aldo things were "easier". Now she had to work in order to pay rent, eat, etc. The gifts she started to receive from him reminded her of the life she once had and wanted to return to. 

Her time with Izzy was fun until he started to develop more than friend feelings towards her. He misunderstood several things. If only they would have communicated better, things wouldn't have turned out as they did. As much as he learned from her to have fun, she learn from him to take responsibilities and do things nobody would do for her. And instead of talking to him and being honest, she just ran away into Aldo's arms to end up in the same path she was once in. 

That someone was Izzy.

I didn't expect this finale because I really thought she had learned from her mistakes. Her sister also tried to helped her but it also didn't worked. Nancy was blinded by "love". Instead of seeing things as they were, she was still in a bubble that she was meant to live a life that she was not meant to. You have to work hard because nothing is given to you in a silver platter. She worked all day and had a job but this was not enough for her, she wanted more and more and more. For me, you have to be grateful with what you have and also for what you don't have because that will make you work hard to obtain it. Second opportunities are not something people usually give. I think this quote sums things up:


  1. I loved you final paragraph, it really summarizes the deep issue in Nancy's life. It's true, she had to be grateful for the new life that she could have created, but instead she decided to hold on to her past. Definitely, she wasn't emotionally stable and could have used a support group to help her through the difficult transition. Consequently, if she would've educated herself in the matter, she would've noticed that the correct path for her was to move on and grow from those bad experiences.

  2. Nancy's biggest issue was her lack of control when it came to her wants and needs. There seemed to be something in her brain that didn't allow her to balance want with control and so she just gave in to the things she wanted the most. And this was the saddest part of the story. When you root for someone and then find out they've fallen back to old habits... Well, it's really sad.

    I agree with you when it comes to working for what you want. When you work hard and smart, you get what you want. You can't just wallow and weep and wish for things, even though you don't want to lift a single finger to get the things you want. I admit, I whine about a few things. But I work for what I want. And no one should expect they will get something just because they happen to want it. They have to work for it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I hadn't realized until now how true it is that Izzy did things for her that nobody had, not even her own sister. Nancy hasn't been good at making decisions, but she did not have much support. She seemed to be very alone and it was as if blinding herself with Aldo, like you mentioned, was her way of filling up that hole she had. Like you, I also didn't expect the finale.

  5. I agree with you. She was totally blinded. Idiotically blinded! Sadly, this may happen to any of us. When people fall in love, it becomes hard to see the weaknesses of that special person. Unfortunately, between those things that we cannot see, lies those aspects that harm us. Perhaps, if Nancy would have been aware of how much damage Aldo did to her, her story would have been different.
